Neeha Fathima

Hey, I am Neeha, a self-taught User Experience Designer from Bangalore, India, aspiring to become a part of the world of product design and learn along the way.

Hey, I am Neeha, a 21 year Old UI-UX designer, with 2 years of startup experience, passionate about building scalable and accessible designs.
This is ME
I am currently studying in Presidency University, Bangalore. Design has been an exciting part of my life for the past 2 years because I am constantly learning new things and challenging my own perspectives. I am a Notion geek, love reading, and take a deep interest in psychology.

I am a motivated designer who is looking for new challenges and opportunities that will help me grow as a designer.
Books are so mystifying, one moment we are in pain & in agony from the real world, and the next we're engrossed in a story with mythical creatures wearing funny-looking clothes.
We crave for a certain balance between thrill and stability..
We go round in circles doing the same things until we get bored and then we introduce a thrill that gets us excited at the time, until that gets repetitive and boring too. It's the circle of life...
It's interesting how we can direct the conversation to a deeper level just by listening and asking questions that lead the other person, not to respond to your questions but to reflect and initiate a thought chain in their minds.

my projects

latest blogs

Seeking Solace In Writing
I have always been fond of literature and words, and it still fascinates me how people can use words to write such beautiful pieces. When I was younger, a now distant relative gifted me a diary.
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My Love For Fiction
Fiction lets us dream, lets us enjoy the beauty of another world, no matter the circumstance you’re currently living under. It allows you to let go of the mundane chaos, drama, & reality and escape into this magnificent prism of hope and delight.
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